Halina Antonowicz 1899 - 1986
Participant of the Polish-Bolshevik war. Before the World War II outbreak she was active in preparation of medical rescue and resistance. When the war broke out she joined the Home Army. Working in the Warsaw Municipality, the Hospital Department, she was engaged in preparing and disseminating feigned identity cards. Arrested by the Gestapo in 1940, imprisoned in Pawiak, she did not denounced anybody despite of brutal hearings and tortures.
In the years 1943-1945 she was hiding a woman of Jewish origin as a baby sitter, what was confirmed by dr Zofia Hryniewiecka, Halina’s daughter, and Barbara Kawińska Herman.
After the war, because of her resistance activity, she was transmitted to a laboratory assistant post, where she worked sacrificially 26 years – forgotten, with no awards or merits.
Elaborated basing on the article by Iwona Czapska, CAPN
Zaświadczenie o pracy w Klinice Chorób Dziecięcych w Wilnie 21.01.1933r. | Ochotnicza Legia Kobiet i Nowo – Święciany 20.12.1919r. | Sala opatrunkowa w pociągu sanitarnym 1919-1920r. | Pociąg sanitarny – wóz oficerski 1919–1920r. |
Świadectwo ukończenia WSP – 26 listopada 1923r. |
Telegram z okazji ślubu od Zofii Szlenkierównej – 12.VIII.1919r. | Przyznanie Medalu Dziesięciolecia Odzyskanej Niepodległości – 1 sierpnia 1929r. | Zaświadczenie o pracy w Klinice Chorób Dziecięcych w Wilnie 21.I.1933r. | Personel Kliniki Pediatrycznej na Antolaku w Wilnie | Karta zwolnienia z Pawiaka – oryginał – 3.I.1941r. |