Dear Internauts,
The Commission of History at the Polish Nurses’ Association Main Board kindly invites to the journey through the Virtual Museum of Polish Nursing.
Thanks to the project developed by the Polish Nurses’ Association in cooperation with the Foundation for Polish Nursing Development, co-funded by the Citizens Initiatives Fund’s Operational Programme, we can realize a dream about dissemination tie idea and history of this unique profession.
History of Polish nursing is interrelated closely with history of our nation. It’s development is determined by political, economic, and social situation, as well as a health care reforms. Nurses were present at fronts, barricades and entrenchments, helping the civilians during conflicts, catastrophes and disasters. In time of peace they serve with their knowledge and competencies people in every age and health status, disregarding their origin, race, beliefs or opinions. They are members of numerous organizations, both national and international, and continuously develop their qualifications.
The Museum attempts to present our heritage, memory, and gratitude towards our predecessors. It is also a challenge for next generations of nurses. We encourage to learn more about our history, as an integral element of national heritage, Polish history, history of medicine, religious convents, and – last but not least – Polish women. Knowledge about one’s roots helps in developing professional identity, affiliation, relations, and pride. It inspires and enforces in work towards professional development.
The documents available at this stage of the Museum development make only a small part of the whole collection. We are convinced it will be included here in near future. Believing that there are many documents hiding nurses’ histories in your drawers or recesses, we hope for your cooperation.
Please feel invited.
There is no tomorrow without today.
Today will be yesterday tomorrow, and history in fact.
Knowledge about one’s roots helps in developing affiliation, relations, pride, and professional identity.
It inspires and enforces for work on the profession’s development.
Krystyna Wolska-Lipiec